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Freeda Witherspoon National Scholastic Scholarship

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority awards scholarships for scholastic achievement to graduating high school seniors wishing to pursue a college degree in business related fields.  The National Scholarship is held annually.  Judging criteria will include academic performance/achievement, career aspirations, demonstrated leadership, and financial need. Contestants with the supervision of sponsoring chapters must mail their applications to the President Elect postmarked by January 31.  

These scholarships are available through local chapters only.  A chapter may submit the name of only one contestant.

  • Each chapter may select one candidate whose first occupational choice is in a business related field.

  •  Each candidate must be a graduating high school senior.

  •  The college selected by the winner must be an accredited institution.

  • Four $3,000 scholarships and one $8,000 scholarship will be awarded annually.  Awards are sent to the selected college or university to be applied to the recipient’s tuition.                

  • The scholarship recipients will be officially notified in May by the National President Elect.

  • The scholarship recipients must provide proof of enrollment before funds are allocated.

doreatha N. hornbuckle memorial scholarship

Each year, Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. will award the Dorethea N. Hornbuckle Memorial Scholarship (DNHMS) to a worthy student enabling them to pursue or continue academic studies in the field of business, business administration, science, or engineering at an institution of higher learning of their choice located in the United States of America. 

The DNHMS is a one-time award that provides a college scholarship up to $3,000 for the academic year for students pursuing a degree at a four-year institution.  Upon receipt of enrollment verification, the scholarship will be awarded and made payable to the recipient’s educational institution. Contestant with the supervision of sponsoring chapter must mail his/her Application Packet to the National President Elect postmarked by March 15.

This scholarship is available through local chapters only.  A chapter can submit the name of only one applicant.

 Applicants must meet the following requirements to apply for the Dorethea N. Hornbuckle Memorial Scholarship. You are eligible only if you meet ALL eligibility requirements. 

• Undergraduate (full-time) student or high school student transitioning to college 

• Pursuing a degree in Business, Business Administration, Science or Engineering 

• Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent) 

• Attending or planning to attend a post-secondary, accredited institution 

• Community service involvement within past 12-months with certified documentation

Future iota leaders scholarship

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is proud to offer a one-time $1,000.00 FIL Scholarship.  This scholarship offers financial support and is awarded to a deserving FIL, a high school senior, who will pursue a degree in a business related field of study.  The scholarship is for one year and will be sent directly to the college or university in which he/she attends.

The Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.’s Future Iota Leaders’ scholarship will be decided during the month of April of each year and announced immediately.  The winner will be selected on the basis of their SAT/ACT scores as well as additional eligibility requirements as selected by Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.  

Judging criteria will include academic performance/achievement, career aspirations, demonstrated leadership, and financial need. A committee of non-partisan judges will judge all essays. All decisions of the judges are final. Contestants with the supervision of sponsoring chapters must mail their applications to the National President Elect postmarked by February 28th.

The scholarship applicant must:

  • Be a graduating FIL (Future Iota Leader), male or female

  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0

  • Submit a completed scholarship application

georgia R. Bingham Iota Mother’s Assistance Program (IMAP) Scholarship

The Gamma Zeta Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is excited to implement our Iota Mother Assistance Program (IMAP) local scholarship. IMAP is an outreach service to meet the needs of teen mothers, which includes such activities as tutoring, career exploration, mentoring, training, and networking. As apart of the IMAP program, the sorority offers assistance to teenage mothers through mentoring, career education, and financial assistance. Through the chapters outreach program, we offer the Georgia R. Bingham IMAP Scholarship to provide financial assistance to teen mothers who wish to seek higher education by attending a an accredited college. Completed applications must be received by February 28th. The winner will be selected in March and notified in April.

The Gamma Zeta Chapter wishes to support endeavors to pursue education through this award of $500 up to $1000 for a teen mother who is a graduating senior planning to attend an accredited four-year college or university. The winner’s application will be forwarded to the national organization to compete for the Alice P. Allen National Scholarship worth $2,000. The National President Elect will officially notify the scholarship recipient for the National scholarship in May. 

Alice P. Allen national scholarship

The Alice P. Allen National Scholarship is named in honor of Iota’s second National President (1946-1950). This $2,000.00 scholarship is to be awarded to a teenage mother desiring to further her education beyond high school. Judging criteria will include academic performance, demonstrated leadership, and financial need. Applicant, with the supervision of sponsoring chapter, must mail completed application packet to the National President Elect postmarked by April 1.

 This scholarship is available through local chapters only.  A chapter can submit the name of only one applicant.

  • Applicant must be a graduating high school senior and a teenage mother.

  • The college selected by the winner must be an accredited institution.

  • The $2,000.00 scholarship is a one-time award and is sent to the selected college or university to be applied to the recipient’s tuition.   

  • The scholarship recipient will be officially notified in May by the National President Elect.  

  • The scholarship recipient must provide proof of enrollment before funds are allocated. 

anna j. steen scholarship

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is an organization of business and professional women whose focus is to encourage young women entering the field of business and/or other professions. Through outstanding academics coupled with community involvement, young women exemplify the ideals of empowerment that we share.

The Eastern Region wishes to support endeavors to pursue education through this $1,500.00 award for a female graduating senior who plans to major in business or another profession. This highly competitive award is conducted by the Eastern Region and administered through each local chapter. To apply please submit the required documentation to your local chapter by March 10th.. The winner will be selected by the region and notified in May.